Soul Map Songs

Let the Song of Every Soul be Sung!

“Your birthchart is completely unique to you, determined by the time, date, and place of your birth. It is your individual sheet of music; but we use our freewill in how we play that music. Do we play it with two tin spoons or the London Philharmonic? Do we choose to have a small life or a big life? It really is up to us.” 

- Pam Gregory, Astrologer

Soul Map Songs best serves those who have already traveled many miles on their inward journey. 

Seekers who value inquiry and aha-moments of self-discovery, and who strive to balance the activities of both the left and right sides of the brain.

For those who may have even glimpsed insights already, tasted delicious intuitive notions (emanating from the right brain) that nonetheless seem outrageous, scary, downright impossible (from the left brain’s point of view). I’m here to attest that they’re not! 

I'm here to support you in your discovery that anything’s possible in this quantum world we inhabit.  

To you, fellow aspirant, I offer my guidance and hard-earned awareness, gifted to me by the magic of my own numerous transformations. So that you can cast off the shackles of victimhood and empower yourself to dance to the beautiful music of your own soul’s creation.

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"My reading was absolutely amazing! I learned new ways of viewing my astrology chart and I enjoyed learning through imagery and storytelling. Based on Willamarie’s ability to interpret the chart, I could easily relate aspects of my chart to real life events! I confidently recommend her services to others."

- LaGina Glass (Reiki Master Teacher + Prana Blessings Shop Owner, Santa Fe, NM)

"Beyond generalized astrological predictions, I wanted to explore the specifics of my own chart. I was amazed by how Willamarie's work introduced a whole new dimension in addition to my psychological explorations and on-going spiritual practice. Bringing the disparate aspects of my living experience to light through Willamarie’s readings enabled me to prioritize my studio work and clarified a way forward for this stage of my life."

- J. Wall (Artist, Galisteo, NM)

"Willamarie's reading was unique in that she activates a more full spectrum experience using visuals to give tangible representations of the signs characteristics. This made for a deeper experience. I also appreciate her simple and paced approach to explaining the different parts of the chart. Would recommend it for someone wanting to learn about the framework of astrology, as well as their personal chart. Bonus points if you're a visual learner." 

- Ryan G. (Santa Fe, NM)

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