Soul Map Songs

Let the Song of Every Soul be Sung!

Navigate Life with the Guidance of Your Soul’s Map

Discover your Unique Soul’s Song through our Astrological Readings and Workshops

“Your birthchart is completely unique to you, determined by the time, date, and place of your birth. It is your individual sheet of music; but we use our freewill in how we play that music. Do we play it with two tin spoons or the London Philharmonic? Do we choose to have a small life or a big life? It really is up to us.” 

- Pam Gregory, Astrologer

Do any of the following describe your present situation?

With personalized astrology readings and workshops, we help you find clarity in your purpose and guidance for your unique path, empowering you to live in alignment with your soul's true desires.

Small Group Workshops

Feel seen and understood for who you truly are. Gain clarity about your personal strengths and weaknesses. Consciously align yourself with your soul's mission.

"After my reading, I felt a profound sense of freedom to live life on my own terms. It was as if the session granted me permission to embrace my true self, clearing the confusion I had before. Now, with a clearer understanding of what my higher self desires, I experience a newfound ease. Worries that once occupied my mind have dissolved, leaving me with clarity and peace." (- One recent client, and more)

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